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How the magic of DirtyEquals.__eq__ works?

When you call x == y, Python first calls x.__eq__(y). This would not help us much, because we would have to keep an eye on order of the arguments when comparing to DirtyEquals objects. But that's where were another feature of Python comes in.

When x.__eq__(y) returns the NotImplemented object, then Python will try to call y.__eq__(x). Objects in the standard library return that value when they don't know how to compare themselves to objects of type(y) (Without checking the C source I can't be certain if this assumption holds for all classes, but it works for all the basic ones). In pathlib.PurePath you can see an example how that is implemented in Python.

By default, object implements __eq__() by using is, returning NotImplemented in the case of a false comparison: True if x is y else NotImplemented.

See the Python documentation for more information (object.__eq__).